Friday, June 4, 2010


We have many opportunities for you to raise your voice to ensure all children have the support they need to grow and thrive in their communities.

  • Tell a friend about GAC: share Global Action for Children’s mission with a friend.
  • Sign up for our newsletter and action alerts: Twice a month you’ll receive updates on what we’re doing here at GAC and you’ll also hear from voices from the field as we shine a light on the great work of our partners on the ground and in action around the world.
  • Speak out for children: Write your hometown newspaper or Congressperson.
  • Join GAC’s Digital Democracy Network (DDN): Members of the DDN are committed to creating social networking buzz about our issues by joining their voices with ours on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Become part of the GAC Volunteer Corps: GAC volunteers are inspired, engaged and in action, using their voices to influence their members of Congress on core issues that affect children’s safety and their ability to grow and thrive in their communities. To join our Volunteer Corps or to learn more please contact Stacy Carkonen at
  • Donate: GAC’s donors, staff and volunteers make a big impact with a small budget. Your financial partnership is pivotal in creating a world where every child is able to participate and contribute their full talents to their community, their country and our world.


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