Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sex education not needed in Malaysian schools: Deputy Education Minister

Kuala Lumpur, Apr 28(ANI): Malaysian Deputy Education Minister Dr. Puad Zarkashi said sex education is not needed in schools across the country, and will not be introduced.

Dr. Zarkashi said elements of sex education were already being taught in schools in a subject called Social and Reproductive Health Studies (SRHS).

"Social and reproductive health studies is taught under Health Education and encompasses curricula of a wide variety of subjects such as Biology, Science, Additional Science, Moral Studies and Religious Education," the New Straits Times quoted Dr. Zarkashi, as saying.

"There is no need for a specific subject called Sex Education," he added.

Dr. Zarkashi said this in the Parliament, while replying to several ministries and organizations supporting the idea of teaching sex education.

He further said that SRHS teachers had attended courses held by experienced trainers, which were designed to expose the teachers to the proper approach needed to teach the subject.

"Our present syllabus also includes modules on the importance of making the right decisions where sex is concerned," he added.

Dr. Zarkashi also stressed that parents should also play their role in discussing sex with their children and advise them accordingly.

"This will lessen sensitivities related to sex. Parents cannot leave the issue of sex for teachers to handle, they must also speak to their children about it," he said. (ANI)


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