Tuesday, February 23, 2021

10 Best Places to Visit in India


10 Best Places to Visit in India

 India is an enormous and diverse destination.

Bordered by seven different countries, not to mention the Arabian Sea and the Bay of

Bengal means that there are many different sides to the country.

More than 20 official languages, multiple religions and a variety of cuisines exist

Within India’s borders.

To truly experience the breadth of Indian culture and history, travel is key.

Here’s a look at the best places to visit in India:

Number 10.


The city of lakes, Udaipur glistens romantically on the edge of the desert in Rajasthan.

The city is protected by lush hills and is where you can find the mesmerizing Lake Palace in the middle of a tranquil lake.

Another captivating sight is the imposing but graceful City Palace, along with the Monsoon Palace, which stand out with walls made of gleaming white marble.

Explore old temples, walk the winding streets of this fanciful corner of India, and slip into times past inside its ancient bazaars.

Number 9.


The Punjabi city of Amritsar lies on the border with Pakistan and is home to the holiest of Sikh sites.

The Golden Temple is in the heart of the old walled city; this serene Sikh shrine provides a place for reflection and inspiration.

You can tour the Golden Temple regardless of religion, but you will need to show respect by covering your head and removing your shoes.

The streets surrounding the temple are a frenetic fusion of people, markets and activity.

Be sure to pick up some traditional goods, such as hand-embroidered fabrics and delicately ornate shoes.

Number 8.


In northernmost India, in the heavily disputed Kashmir region is the mountainous destination of Ladakh.

This region is large, but it has a low population density and a number of nomadic residents.

Breathtaking, pristine scenery is a major draw to the area, but virtually all travelers will also spend time in the town of Leh.

The town is located at a very high elevation, and it is home to the 17th century Palace of the King of Ladakh.

Buddhist culture is also prominent in Leh, and you may wish to explore some of the many Buddhist monasteries and temples.

Number 7.

Goa Beaches.

On the western coast of India is Goa, a former colony of Portugal that blends Indian culture with colonial influences and plenty of international tourism.

Goa is popular largely because of its spectacular beaches.

The busiest of all is Candolim Beach, where travelers from around the world flock to soak up the sun.

Anjuna Beach, by contrast, is far less crowded.

It is also an amazing place where you can walk to Chapora Fort and admire the sandy coastline from a new perspective.

Palolem is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in all of Goa with its natural bay surrounded by lofty headlands on either side.

Number 6.


If you’re spending any time in Northern India, you will almost certainly visit the capital city of Delhi.

The enormous sprawling destination is home to several districts, and it is considered to be one of the oldest cities in the world.

One of the top sights in Delhi is the Red Fort, which was built in the 17th century.

The Red Fort is made from sandstone, and you will be able to walk through its Lahore Gate, into the bazaar, through the jewel palace and even into the former residence of the sultan.

While in Delhi, you should also make time for the many museums and religious structures that make up the city.

Number 5.

Ellora and Ajanta Caves.

In the state of Maharashtra, you can explore the caves of both Ellora and Ajanta.

At Ellora, there is an enormous complex of shrines carved from the rocky landscape.

These 34 cave shrines are up to 1,500 years old, and they are from three distinct religions:

Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism.

Two hours away is Ajanta, which is home to 29 caves.

The Ajanta caves are covered in murals and paintings, most of which reflect Buddhist stories.

While the two cave complexes are two hours away from one another, it is well worth visiting both to compare these incredible attractions.

Number 4.


A city that may seem strange to many Westerners, Varanasi is of great religious importance.

The holy city sits on the banks of the divine Ganges and is believed by Hindus to be a sacred place of pilgrimage.

The city is known for the religious practices that take place on the Ghats alongside the river; pilgrims wash themselves in the waters of the Ganges and the bodies of Hindus are cremated.

The sights of life and death along the riverside can be shocking, but a visit to Varanasi is also contemplative, and ultimately, helps visitors to further understand India’s deep cultural and spiritual practices.

Number 3.


The southwestern state of India known as Kerala is a place of tropical beauty.

Palm trees, white sand beaches and eco-tourism are all big reasons to explore the region.

Besides its famous backwaters, elegant houseboats and temple festivals, Kerala is also home to the Thekkady Tiger preserve.

The hub of Kerala is the city of Kochi, where you can see the local fishing industry thriving along with modern high-rises and colonial architecture.

Number 2.


Agra is known for one thing – the iconic and ultimately impressive Taj Mahal.

Set on the south bank of the Yamuna River, the Taj draws millions of tourists a year.

Built by an emperor as an extravagant memorial to his wife, the mausoleum’s porcelain white marble is an emblem of romance and adventure.

Agra itself sits in the shadow of its imposing monument, but is a small and welcoming city.

The ancient Mughal-era Agra Fort is an attractive spot to visit – peer over the walls here and catch your first hypnotizing glimpse of the Taj.

Number 1.


The Pink City of Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan and is where you can find the beautiful Amber Fort – a sprawling, stunning complex set in the hillside overlooking a lake.

Located just outside of the city and built in 1592, the grandiose citadel was also a palace for some time but is now an impressive tourist attraction.

Make sure to take a trip to the opulent city palace with its stunning courtyards and gardens, plus the amazingly intricate Palace of Winds.

Jaipur forms one corner of the Golden Triangle, and it also makes a great gateway into the lesser-known destinations within Rajasthan.


INDIA vs PAKISTAN: 10 Unexpected Differences

 As no Indian Pakistani used to be you know the same thing for quite a long time but then when the British left the region they eventually became divided into once again India and Pakistan and very unfortunately the division was you know a very hard thing for so many people until this day there's quite a few unresolved conflicts there you know with Kashmir and other places and even though you know all those people are really nice and really kind and really awesome apparently you know there's a bit of division still going on and I really hope that changes in the future however I've spent quite a few months traveling all around India and I just finished traveling ten days all over and Pakistan so if you like I have a you know pretty decent idea of how different those two countries are and how different their people are did you actually want to compare them and talk about the ten unexpected differences of my life in Pakistan vs. India let's go


difference number one is beeping I don't know if you know this or not but one of the worst things for me in life is when people beat now when you're traveling around Asia especially for example India people therapy all the time especially please like Mumbai you know like they beefing they smilingly way because they just want to say hi or tell you they're there you know and actually when I was going to pack is unexpected exactly the same thing and even though there are some areas of the package that were people hate a bit but in most of the areas they don't for example in Islamic but right like no one ever abused and that it was so surprising to me cuz I never expected it you know so even though once again those countries used to be the same thing but the beeping is definitely better on Pakistan's site so now this more is one-zero 

let's see what happens next difference number two is vegetarian options I've been a vegetarian for what seven years now I think and actually traveling around a lot of countries in a way it's kind of hard to find the vegetarian options but India is one of the best countries in the world for that because literally every place has been sharing options even my guitars are you kidding it's a and Baggesen food is great too but it's very hard to find vegetarian options so one point goes to a big one out that's good.

 Number three is cleanliness obviously you know with both those countries that of course very much depends on where you're going cuz you know some places could be the fanciest places I've ever seen and some places could maybe be no defenses exist forever scenes for example in India cities like Mumbai are actually really good except for the slums of course or Bangalore or you know quite a few there places but most of the time you would see you know some trash and this and that because once again there's so many people and stuff but going to Pakistan of course there were some places that weren't the best but if we look at cities like Islamabad or once again Lahore and the places in the mountains and stuff everything was really cleaner it was insane there were signs everywhere saying don't litter don't litter you'll get fine and you know so when goes to Pakistan.

Difference number four is religious diversity as you know Pakistan is a majority Muslim country meaning this way over 90 percent of the people are Muslim there but India is basically the cradle of pretty much most of the religions in the world you know there's millions of Hindu people millions of Muslim people millions of Sikh people millions of Buddhist people and a lot of Christians and whatnot so when you traveling around India every single day you'll see people from so many different kinds of religions all living together for the most part peacefully and continues I know that Hindus and Muslims seem to you know have a few fights here and there and that's very unfortunate but I really hope they will you know solve their differences hopefully and in Pakistan they also have people of other religions like yeah you know Christian churches and in the mountains people have their own ancient religions and stuff but yeah the majority the people are definitely Muslim so another point oh sure India thing number five is English fluency so once again the whole region used to be a British colony for a long time and that is why millions and millions and Millions of people speak completely Fluent English traveling around India notice that anyone who goes to like school or university will be glued with fluent in English I'm actually going to Pakistan I noticed that it's exactly the same thing a lot of people speak super fluent English even no accident stuff you know this corner okay you legend now that I told you the five differences of my life in India and Pakistan.

 Difference number six is infrastructure so as you know because of you know the problem is Pakistan faced in the past it's not a very touristic engine as a lot of people still think it's very unsafe and dangerous and stuff that being said there are tourism industry is many times smaller than that of India's cuz I mean millions and millions of people visit India every single year and because of that the infrastructure for a traveler like myself in India is definitely better you know the stels the hotels you know the buses the trains and everything is a bit more easier for tourists to use but at the same time it's still very much possible to travel in Pakistan like you saw you know I did it didn't really have any problems that being said this year those two in DIF number seven is tourist place aggressiveness um so as you know if you travel in a country that's very touristy sometimes the people working with tourists will get a bit aggressive for example in countries like Morocco and stuff you know like sometimes people grab you by the arm and say give me five euro because I did something for you know like sometimes it gets pretty intense and so if I compare the aggressiveness in the tourist places of Pakistan vs. India I would definitely have to say that in India it's a lot more aggressive once again because there's a lot more people and once again go to Pakistan expected it to be similar but I've never been scamming even once in fact a lot of people would give me things for free are buying me things for free and stuff you know no one want to take advantage of me as a tourist why because there's very few tourists you know and now they don't have the kind of people that try to take advantage of it so it's not really a problem with Indians the fact that there's so many tourists going there and obviously some people you know will want to make maybe more money then we said this one goes to Pakistan.

Difference number eight is bus trips back in the day I used to take quite a few different buses in India because it didn't have other transportation options and if I'm being completely honest with you it was so bad oh my god it would be so hard because I would always take overnight buses and in the middle of the night they would turn on the lights and people will start shouting and screaming and trying to sell you things and waking you up like hey you want some water or water you know I mean it was a great experience for me but me and other part is like what's happening here I've never experienced before you know so maybe it was just my experience I don't know maybe other people have it a bit better but my experience traveling in Weston and it wasn't the best now I take either motorbikes or cars or taxis or trains are actually amazing and so I did take a few buses in Pakistan as well and once again expected them to be similar but actually they were very much different you know because once again I think there's not a lot of people who are trying to take advantage of tourists because there's no wrists there you know and so Lewis calm and peaceful and the lights were off and no one woke us up in the middle of the night we can do whatever we wanted you know so at least me personally I had a more comfortable experience traveling in buses in Pakistan but I could have just gotten unlucky so if you have a great experience of traveling in India by buses let me know in the comment section down below I'll apologize a hundred times but that was definitely I expect so this one goes should Pakistan oh so far Pakistan is winning yeah let's see what happens next.

 Difference number nine is places to see as you know India is a much bigger country than Pakistan I mean Pakistan is huge you know but at the same time India is one of the largest countries in the world with a second largest population in the world over a billion people and because of that obviously India has more places to see that are I guess a bit more diverse that being said this for those two.

 And finally difference number 10 hospitality as you know from the people who have been to both Pakistan or India both those owners are incredible you will get into many situations where people will pay for you or not ask you for money or host you for free or give you food and actually force you to eat because they care so much about your like these situations I had in India where people would wake me up in the middle of the night because I was staying in some sort of a shrine and they say no you have to eat if you don't need you're not going to be healthy come please have food with us you know like these amazing situations and in Pakistan as well there would be situations where people would pay for me and rest and simply because I was a foreigner and they wanted to be nice to me and they

wanted to be kind to me and it was really beautiful and so I have to say that when it comes to hospitality both these countries are the same meaning the score is five yeah and that's exactly the point of this video even though these countries separated but at the same time they're both absolutely random they have their differences they have their similarities but both them are really nice really beautiful really awesome places to visit so if you ever get the chance to go to both you know India and Pakistan just make sure you always look at everything with open eyes and whatever happens to just you know treated as wonderful experience and learn as much as you can from wonderful local people that's pretty much it let me know what you think about these differences in the comments section or below see you next time peace.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sonia Gandhi gives first public speech since surgery

Sonia Gandhi pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on 2 October 2011.Sonia Gandhi has not commented on the exact nature of her illness

Related Stories

India's governing Congress party leader Sonia Gandhi has made her first public speech since undergoing surgery in August in the US.
She spoke at a Congress youth rally in the capital, Delhi, that was organised by her son Rahul and attended by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Mrs Gandhi was greeted by cheers from thousands who attended the rally.
Her party has repeatedly refused to comment on her illness, but reports suggest she was treated for cancer.
The 64-year-old is seen as India's most powerful politician. She holds no official post, but many consider her to be the de facto head of the government.
Reports said Mrs Gandhi looked tired but spoke for more than 10 minutes at Tuesday's rally.
"You have the power to beat back the forces of oppression and injustice and to make a beautiful life for yourself and for others," news agency AFP quoted her as saying.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also made a speech to the thousands of party members who had gathered ahead of crucial state elections next year.
Correspondents say the Indian government faced serious problems during Mrs Gandhi's month-long absence - particularly in relation to corruption scandals - and might have coped better had she been around to give advice.
Mrs Gandhi is the widow of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. She nominated Manmohan Singh to the prime minister's post in 2004 but is frequently portrayed as being more powerful than him.
She is at the head of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, which has ruled India for most of the time since independence in 1947.
Many observers and party supporters see Rahul Gandhi, who is currently an MP, as a future prime minister.

Sonia Gandhi gives first public speech since surgery

Sonia Gandhi pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on 2 October 2011.Sonia Gandhi has not commented on the exact nature of her illness

Related Stories

India's governing Congress party leader Sonia Gandhi has made her first public speech since undergoing surgery in August in the US.
She spoke at a Congress youth rally in the capital, Delhi, that was organised by her son Rahul and attended by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Mrs Gandhi was greeted by cheers from thousands who attended the rally.
Her party has repeatedly refused to comment on her illness, but reports suggest she was treated for cancer.
The 64-year-old is seen as India's most powerful politician. She holds no official post, but many consider her to be the de facto head of the government.
Reports said Mrs Gandhi looked tired but spoke for more than 10 minutes at Tuesday's rally.
"You have the power to beat back the forces of oppression and injustice and to make a beautiful life for yourself and for others," news agency AFP quoted her as saying.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also made a speech to the thousands of party members who had gathered ahead of crucial state elections next year.
Correspondents say the Indian government faced serious problems during Mrs Gandhi's month-long absence - particularly in relation to corruption scandals - and might have coped better had she been around to give advice.
Mrs Gandhi is the widow of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. She nominated Manmohan Singh to the prime minister's post in 2004 but is frequently portrayed as being more powerful than him.
She is at the head of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, which has ruled India for most of the time since independence in 1947.
Many observers and party supporters see Rahul Gandhi, who is currently an MP, as a future prime minister.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Book Aclash of the Kings


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Law Firms and Lawyers International Associations

International Law Firms Associations

  • ALFA International

    ALFA International is a global network of independent law firms. Founded in l980, ALFA is the oldest legal network and remains one of the largest and strongest. The ALFA organization is comprised of 120 member firms with 85 members in the United States and 35 members in Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Pacific Rim. The ALFA reach is a broad one. In the United States, ALFA members maintain offices in 95 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas.

  • All China Lawyers Association

    ACLA founded in July of 1986, is a social organization as a legal person and a self-disciplined professional body for lawyers at national level which by law carries out professional administration over lawyers. All lawyers of the People's Republic of China are members of ACLA and the local lawyers associations are group members of ACLA. At present, ACLA has 31 group members, which are lawyers associations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and nearly 110,000 individual members.

  • ALPHA Universal

    Following the worldwide development and the intense globalization of economy we decided to go ahead with a project which could help lawyers all over the world to join together and share their professional knowledge to help their clients in their business activities.

  • Association internationale des avocats de la défense (AIAD)

    Ressources importantes au sein de la communauté juridique, les associations d'avocats vous présentent leurs informations les plus récentes et vous font part des intérêts qu’elles représentent.

  • Avocats Sans Frontières (Lawyers Without Borders)

    Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) is a non-governmental organization acting in the field of law and justice. ASF was created in 1992 by a small group of lawyers who strongly believed they could contribute to a more equitable and united world. Therefore, ASF works to promote, to strengthen and to protect civil, political, social and cultural human rights of individuals and peoples.

  • Counsel-Alliance

    International network of law firms providing legal service to many Fortune 500 and Global 500 companies. Members have access to the alliance's proprietary databases.

  • Eagle International Associates

    International network of law firms, adjusters and claims-related service providers throughout North America and Europe. Members provide clients (primarily insurance companies and self-insureds) with legal and adjusting services. Member firms handle litigation and claims focusing on areas such as Product Liability, Professional Liability, Toxic Liability, Premises Liability, and General Liability.

  • Eurojuris International

    EUROJURIS is the leading network of law firms in Europe, covering 610 different cities/locations in 16 countries. Each country has a national EUROJURIS association which selects as members medium-sized independent law firms well established in their country and who satisfy the Eurojuris selection criteria. The objective is to provide to companies, corporations, public authorities and private clients direct legal advice and local representation all over Europe.

  • Europe - European Women Lawyers Association - EWLA

    EWLA is concerned with the co-operation of women lawyers from all member states of the European Union. Its intermediate aim is to bundle up their specific expertise in monitoring law and politics seen from the angle of gender. Long-term target is to build up a women lawyers association acting on the European level as a pressure-group to enhance equality by means of law, as for instance by giving expert opinions to and by lobbying political institutions, by proposing and even outlining drafts for European directives, by bringing test cases to the European Court of Justice, by informing and empowering women to claim their rights, by campaigning etc.

  • European Association of Attorneys (AEA)

    The European Association of Attorneys (AEA), is an international network of offices covering most of the world’s countries. The offices that enjoy the best prestige and importance in each country have been selected; those who count with the best professionals. The network has its origin within the European Union and with time, has been expanding to the remaining countries in the world, beginning with the countries that not yet belong to the EU, and followed by the majority of countries of America, Asia and Africa. The AEA presents the largest net of the world’s Attorneys, as there is no other net of offices that cover so many countries and locations.

  • European Association Of Law And Economics (EALE)
  • European Company Lawyers Association

    ECLA is the umbrella organisation for 17 company lawyers associations in Europe . Membership is open for company lawyers associations only. Through its members the European Company Lawyers Association - Association Européenne des Juristes d'Entreprise - represents more than 20.000 company lawyers in 17 countries. During the past 20 years, ECLA has gained recognition as the leading European representative of European company lawyers associations and their individual members. The Main Purposes Of The Association Are: To Represent Its Members On A European And International Level; To Create Centres For Studies, Documentation And Contacts For The Purpose Of Improving The Exchange Of Professional Information Among Its Members; To Organize Meetings, Conferences And Seminars Relating To Legal Matters; To Promote Legal Research.

  • Global Affiliation of Independent Lawyers - GAIL

    GAIL is an informal and non-exclusive network of independent law firms located all over the world. The concept was 1st proposed by Tan and Tan Lawyers in November 2001. GAIL's main purpose is to provide a forum through which its independent members can exchange information regarding legal and business developments.

  • Interlaw

    Today’s global companies depend on the expertise of business lawyers who are fluent in the native language, laws, rules, regulations, and customs of their own jurisdiction, yet who are broadly educated and experienced in working with domestic and global clients. For more than twenty years, Interlaw has been the “go to” international association of independent, quality-monitored, commercial law firms. Corporate counsel and other executives choose Interlaw firms in some 120 cities worldwide as their primary resource for reliable legal representation.

  • International Academy of Estate and Trust Law

    IAETL is comprised of members who practice or have offices in twenty-six countries. Membership is highly selective. The Academy bylaws limit membership to one-fourth of one percent of the notaires, solicitors, lawyers, judges and professors of any country. All Academicians must have practiced law in the Academy's areas of interest for at least ten years and must have distinguished themselves through lecturing, writing or participation in professional organizations. They must also have demonstrated a significant interest in the continuing development of the law of their own countries.

  • International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

    The IAML is a worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and expert family law specialists in their respective countries.

  • International Alliance of Law Firms

    The International Alliance of Law Firms is a global affiliation of laws firms. The Alliance provides a network of high-quality independent firms that work closely together to meet the needs of our clients at the local level. The Alliance consists of 55 law firms from 37 countries who can provide representation in most of the major cities in the world. Each member of the Alliance is an independent law firm and it, not the Alliance itself, is responsible for the work it carries out. Alliance member firms are typically top ranked, medium-sized firms that have a strong reputation for their service to corporations of all sizes.

  • International Association of Commercial Lawyers

    ACL is an international network of select, business-oriented law firms. It was founded to enable clients to obtain global legal services from ACL's individual Members.

  • International Association of Consumer Law

    The International Association of Consumer Law exists in order to develop research networks and stimulate research and common project work in the area of consumer law and policy and consumer relations, covering all regions of the world.

  • International Association of Democratic Lawyers

    Since IADL's founding in 1946 in Paris, IADL members have participated in the struggles that have made the violation of human rights of groups and individuals and threats to international peace and security, legal issues under international law. From its inception, IADL members throughout the globe have protested racism, colonialism, and economic and political injustice wherever they interfere with legal and human rights, often at the cost of these jurists personal safety and economic well being.

  • International Association of Entertainment Lawyers

    IAEL members are all lawyers, either in private practice or industry, whose areas of expertise cover nearly all aspects of entertainment law. The IAEL provides a specialist, international forum for the sharing of knowledge and experience of legal and commercial issues of interest and concern to its members.

  • International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

    IAJLJ strives to advance human rights everywhere, including the prevention of war crimes, the punishment of war criminals, the prohibition of weapons of mass destruction, and international co-operation based on the rule of law and the fair implementation of international covenants and conventions.

  • International Association of Judges

    IAJ was founded in Salzburg (Austria) in 1953 as a professional, non-political, international organization, grouping not individual judges, but national associations of judges.The main aim of the Association is to safeguard the independence of the judiciary, as an essential requirement of the judicial function and guarantee of human rights and freedom.

  • International Association of Lawyers - UIA

    The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) was created in 1927 by a group of French speaking European lawyers convinced of the need for lawyers to establish international contacts.

  • International Association of Refugee Law Judges

    The International Association of Refugee Law Judges seeks to foster recognition that protection from persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion is an individual right established under international law, and that the determination of refugee status and its cessation should be subject to the rule of law.

  • International Association of Sports Law

    IASL is an international scientific association founded during the 1st International Congress o Sports Law, December 11-13, 1992 in Athens and seated in Olympia, Greece. Since then IASL is activated as far as administrative matters are concerned in Athens and in its President’s country of origin.

  • International Association of Young Lawyers

    AIJA is the only global association devoted to lawyers and inhouse counsel aged 45 and under. AIJA, through a wide range of meetings, seminars, law courses and advocacy, promotes professional cooperation and friendship among young, career building legal professionals around the world.

  • International Association of Young Lawyers - Aija

    AIJA is the only global association devoted to lawyers and inhouse counsel aged 45 and under. AIJA, through a wide range of meetings, seminars, law courses and advocacy, promotes professional cooperation and friendship among young, career building legal professionals around the world.

  • International Association of Young Lawyers - Aija

    AIJA is the only global association devoted to lawyers and inhouse counsel aged 45 and under. AIJA, through a wide range of meetings, seminars, law courses and advocacy, promotes professional cooperation and friendship among young, career building legal professionals around the world.

  • International Bar Association

    IBA influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of the legal profession throughout the world. Through its various sections and committees, the IBA enables an interchange of information and views among its members as to laws, practices and professional responsibilities relating to the practice of business law throughout the world.

  • International Commission of Jurists

    ICJ is an international NGO, dedicated to the the implementation of international law and principles that advance human rights. The website offers a selection of legal human rights resources.

  • International Criminal Defence Attorneys Association

    ICDAA was created in 1997 as a non-profit organization incorporated in Canada with headquarters in Montréal, Québec , Canada . We have offices in the Netherlands and in the United States and are incorporated in the U.S.A.

  • International Criminal Law Network

    ICLN, the International Criminal Law Network, was founded in 2002 by various international experts with the mission to organise professional and social interaction between practitioners, academics and policymakers in international criminal law.

  • International Law Association

    The International Law Association has around 50 branches worldwide and a growing membership of academics and practising professionals with an interest in international law. The main objectives of the Association are the study, clarification and development of both public and private international law. It is in the work of the various International Committees that these aims are pursued and biennial conferences provide a forum for comprehensive discussion and endorsement for the work of these committees.

  • International Law Association - Australian Branch

    The objectives of the International Law Association (Australian Branch) are to promote the study, elucidation and advancement of international law, public and private, the study of comparative law, the making of proposals for the solution of conflicts of law, and for the unification of law, and the furthering of international understanding and goodwill amongst persons of Australian citizenship and normally resident in Australia.

  • International Law Firms (ILF)

    International Law Firms (ILF) is an international association of independent law firms. ILF prides itself in providing high quality, responsive and effective representation.

  • International Law Students Association

    ILSA is a non-profit association of students and young lawyers dedicated to the study and promotion of international law. Generally, legal education in the U.S. and elsewhere focuses upon domestic or local law. ILSA is dedicated to supplementing this traditional approach with opportunities for study, research and career networking which concentrates on international and transnational law.

  • International Lawyers Network

    As one of the largest networks of experienced attorneys in the world, the International Lawyers Network provides a platform for clients to access quality legal professionals worldwide, with the cost-effectiveness and personalized service only independent, regional law firms can provide. The International Lawyers Network is an association of over 85 high-quality, full-service and specialized law firms with over 5,000 lawyers in 68 countries on six continents. The excellence, demonstrated experience, worldwide presence, and relationships of the International Lawyers Network combine to make this Network one of the leading associations of independent law firms in the world.

  • International Lawyers' Association of Finland

    ILAF’s primary goal is to provide Finland’s expatriate legal community (including practicing attorneys, in-house lawyers, academics, and international law students) with the opportunity to get to know each other, share experiences in Finland and at home, expand professional opportunities and, above all, have fun.

  • International Media Lawyers Association

    The International Media Lawyers Association is an international network of lawyers working in the areas of media law, media freedom and media policy, and committed to promoting and defending the fundamental human rights of freedom of expression and freedom of information.

  • International Municipal Lawyers Association

    IMLA is a non-profit, professional organization that has been an advocate and resource for local government attorneys since 1935. Owned solely by its members, IMLA is the legal voice for the nation's local governments. It champions the development of fair and realistic legal solutions and provides its members with information about, and solutions to, the profusion of legal issues facing its membership today.

  • International Municipal Lawyers Association - IMLA
  • International Network of Independent Law Firms - ADVOC

    Each of the legal firms in membership of ADVOC is known and respected for its region and each has agreed to respond immediately to the needs of clients of other member firms.

  • International Society of Primerus Law Firms

    Primerus is an international network of top-rated, independent, law firms that have earned the right to display the Primerus seal of quality.

  • International Sport Lawyers Association

    ISLA is a worldwide association of international, mainly European based sports lawyers that was established under the laws of Switzerland. The legal environment in professional and non-professional sports is expanding constantly.

  • International Technology Law Association (ITechLaw)

    ITechLaw is the world's premier organization representing lawyers in the field of technology law. The organization enjoys worldwide membership, representing six continents and a broad spectrum of expertise. Operating as a non-profit, ITechLaw remains dedicated to providing quality education and networking opportunities for technology law professionals and students.

  • International Trade Commission Trial Lawyers Association

    ITCTLA is a non-profit, non-partisan, educational organization. Members and invited guests meet annually to review developments affecting Section 337 and to elect officers to lead the Association. Reflecting the diverse professional interests of its members, the Association maintains thirteen active standing committees.

  • JD/LLM International Lawyers' Association

    JD/LLM International Lawyers' Association was founded in the fall of 2000 to provide a forum for JD and LLM students with interest or experience in practicing international law to develop their understanding of international practice and assist them in building career opportunities both here and abroad.

  • Juris International - Associations by Geographic Area

    Juris International is a multilingual collection (English, Spanish, and French) of legal information on international trade. Its objective is to gather a large quantity of basic information at one site (favoring complete legal texts), without the need to send for the information, and consequently without excessive communication costs for users who do not benefit from an efficient and cheap telecommunications network.

  • LAWorld

    LAWorld is a non-exclusive international legal network of 38 independent mid sized law firms covering most of the major commercial centers around the world, with more than 850 lawyers across 68 cities. Its central purpose is to provide the clients of its members with instant access to quality legal advice anywhere in the world. Members share many characteristics. Most are medium sized within their jurisdiction, able to devote personal partner attention to their clients; valued for the breadth and depth of their legal expertise and the quality of client service and many are active in the International Bar Association.

  • Legal Counsel International

    Legal Counsel International has member firms in 13 countries offering legal services in broad range of practice areas. Members must be fluent in English and have significant experience in international business matters. Membership is by invitation only.

  • Legal Netlink Alliance

    Network of mid size general practice firms. The alliance has more than 1,500 members from 80 firms. Members have access to legal professionals familiar with local policies and practices in 17 countries.

  • Legal Network International

    Alliance of 36 independent firms throughout Europe, the United States, Mexico, Japan, Australia, Indonesia, South America and Russia. Members have access to the network's bulletin boards, chat room and publications, as well as LNI conferences.

  • Lex Africa

    Lex Africa, Africa's first true network of leading law firms, grew from the need for law firms in member countries to be in a position to provide their clients, both local and international, with legal and business advice in whichever jurisdiction they may find themselves, and particularly in relation to expanding Africa-to-Africa business.

  • Lex Fori L'espace international du droit

    Lex Fori supplies legal support, independent advice and counsel necessary, so our clients can be equally at ease negotiating an agreement with a supplier in their own country, choosing a business partner on the other side of the globe, litigating with a local competitor, or collecting a debt thousands of kilometers from home.

  • Lex Mundi

    Lex Mundi is an organization of independent law firms providing for the exchange of professional information about the local and global practice and development of law, facilitating and disseminating communications among its members and improving the members' abilities to serve the needs of their respective clients.

  • Lexwork International

    Network of 31 independent law firms located in Europe, the U.S., Canada, Latin America and Asia. Lexwork members hold an annual meeting is held each autumn, as well as a number of conference calls to provide opportunities for networking and sharing expertise. Various working groups also hold regular conference calls focusing on specific areas of law.

  • Mackrell International

    Founded in 1987, MACKRELL INTERNATIONAL took its name from John Mackrell, a London lawyer who started a practice in Lincoln's Inn in 1845. He was renowned for his common sense commercial approach to legal matters and founded a scholarship for practical legal excellence. His philosophy is shared by all member firms of MACKRELL INTERNATIONAL as they adapt to changes in the world of commerce and finance

  • MegaLaw

    MegaLaw helps you find the appropriate prescreened lawyers in your area.

  • Meritas Law Firms Worldwide

    Meritas is a global alliance of business law firms that deliver localized legal service of the highest quality on a fully coordinated basis. In 1990 a lawyer became frustrated with the lack of quality control in hiring business law firms outside his jurisdiction. He set about developing his own system for selecting and evaluating firm performance. He then began inviting like-minded firms worldwide to join a non-profit organization for their mutual benefit. Today, that organization is Meritas with over 170 firms located in more than 60 countries and encompassing 5,700 lawyers. Membership in Meritas is growing and continues to be extended by invitation only.

  • MSI Global Alliance

    MSI is an international network of independent law and accounting firms, with over 250 member firms in 100 countries.

  • Network of Leading Law Firms

    Network of Leading Law Firms has member firms in 22 countries and 32 U.S. states. The alliance was originally created to provide a reliable referral network but also focuses on sharing information and practice management strategies. The network has one annual meeting and four regional meetings per year, and provides members with access to an extensive library of publications. Membership is strictly limited by geographical area.

  • Pacific Rim Advisory Council

    Canadian-based global alliance of 32 top-tier law firms with substantial business in Asia and the Pacific Rim region, including South America, Australia, India, Mexico, the Philippines and the United States. Members have access to semi-annual conferences, public seminars and alliance publications. PRAC also sponsors a lawyer exchange programs among member firms.

  • TAGLaw

    Network of more than 140 law firms in nearly 100 countries. Its 7500+ lawyers work out of 300 offices to provide a full range of legal services to clients all over the world. The organization is divided into more than 20 Specialty Groups to provide members with contacts to others in similar practice areas. Groups include competition and European law, corporate law and mergers & acquisitions, employment & labor law, environmental law, immigration law, insolvency and secured transactions, intellectual property and information technology, and litigation and alternative dispute resolution.

  • Techlaw Group, Inc

    Techlaw Group, Inc. has 18 member firms in more than 31 countries. Members offer legal services in industries that range from advanced materials, medical devices and biotechnology to telecommunications, electronics, semiconductors and software development. The group offers continuing legal educational programs, joint research projects and publications, and lawyer exchanges among member firms.

  • Terralex

    Worldwide network of independent law firms practicing in international legal matters. The group consists of approximately 139 member firms in 88 countries. The organization is divided into 12 practice groups such as banking and financial services, maritime and trade and competition law. Terralex holds three regional meetings and one general annual meeting per year. Membership is by invitation only.

  • The Advocacy Group

    International inter-firm network focusing on public affairs and government relations. TAG provides a diverse array of professional advocacy services through its members. TAG works with firms in all fifty states, Washington, D.C. and six countries.

  • The Interlex Group

    Global association of 40 leading law firms providing a range of business and legal services to clients. Members are located in such diverse regions as Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the United States. Member firms are encouraged to develop personal relationships through the organization's annual meeting and periodic meetings of specialized practice groups.

  • Union Internationale des Avocats

    UIA was created in 1927 by a group of French speaking European lawyers convinced of the need for lawyers to establish international contacts.Today, the UIA is an association open to all lawyers of the world, made up of both general and specialist practitioners, counting more than 200 bar associations, organisations or federations (representing nearly two million lawyers) as well as several thousand individual members from over 110 countries.

  • World Law Group Ltd.

    International network of 47 member firms located on 6 continents in more than 250 global commercial centers. The organization holds semi-annual meetings and provides members with publications on a range of topics including antitrust, e-commerce and health law. Membership is by invitation only.

  • World Services Group - WSG

    World Services Group is a global membership association whose members are among the top providers of professional business services. There are more than 130 member firms representing more than 200,000 clients worldwide. Members operate in more than 115 countries and throughout the United States.

International Lawyers Associations

  • Globalaw

    Worldwide network of 5,000 lawyers located in more than 93 firms. The organization provides members with local expertise, lawyer exchanges, connections with local business networks and meeting facilities.

  • International Association of Lawyers - UIA

    The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) was created in 1927 by a group of French speaking European lawyers convinced of the need for lawyers to establish international contacts.

  • International Association of Young Lawyers - Aija

    AIJA is the only global association devoted to lawyers and inhouse counsel aged 45 and under. AIJA, through a wide range of meetings, seminars, law courses and advocacy, promotes professional cooperation and friendship among young, career building legal professionals around the world.

  • International Lawyers Network

    The International Lawyers Network is an association of 87 high-quality, full-service law firms with over 5,000 lawyers worldwide. The Network provides clients with easily accessible legal services in 68 countries on six continents.

  • International Municipal Lawyers Association - IMLA
  • International Society of Primerus Law Firms

    Primerus is an international network of top-rated, independent, law firms that have earned the right to display the Primerus seal of quality.

  • Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW)

    Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW) is a global association of over 100 independent law firms located in major commercial centers throughout the world. Membership in LAW allows member firms to service the legal needs of clients that are expanding their operations and relationships into new domestic and foreign markets because of the increasing globalization of the business world.

Other Countries Lawyers and Law Firms Associations - By Country

  • Argentina - Association de Abogados de Buenos Aires
  • Australia - Australian Corporate Lawyers Associations - ACLA

    ACLA is the peak national association representing the interests of more than 8,000 lawyers (over 20% of the legal profession) working for corporations and government in Australia.

  • Australia - Australian Lawyers Alliance

    The Australian Lawyers Alliance is the only national association of lawyers and other professionals dedicated to the protection and promotion of justice, freedom and the rights of individuals.

  • British Columbia - British Columbia Lawyers Association

    TLABC is a non-profit society, comprised of lawyers who work to strengthen and preserve laws that protect the rights of individuals and make British Columbia safer, cleaner, and a better place to live.

  • Bulgaria - Association of Young Lawyers in Bulgaria

    The Association of Young Lawyers in Bulgaria is a politically unaffiliated NGO which works in the area of mobilizing young legal experts and civic resources for support of local initiatives and grass roots projects. It was founded by young and very committed legal professionals and civil rights activists, who work at their full capacity, in order to serve the need for developing an effective support network of well trained specialists volunteers ready to work at local, regional and national level and suggest public policy improvements, developing and implementing civic and in-house training, public awareness building initiatives in the areas of democratization and modernization of the local self-government, civic participation, advocacy, access to information, civil rights monitoring and public institution transparency enhancement. As a community of young professionals committed to the Euro-Atlantic values, AYL strongly supports through local public initiatives and expert assistance the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union and NATO

  • Canada - Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal (AADM)

    L'AADM est une association d''avocats de la défense en droit criminel et pénal pratiquant essentiellement à Montréal. Sa mission comporte deux volets principaux : la défense des intérêts de ses membres et la promotion des droits et libertés individuels au sein du système judiciaire. De plus, l'AADM se veut un instrument de diffusion d''informations juridiques et de formation continue en droit. Elle organise des activités sociales et récréatives pour développer les liens d''amitié qui unissent ses membres.

  • Canada - Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA)

    OTLA has over 1150 members and is comprised of plaintiffs' lawyers from Ontario, out-of-province Members from New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, along with the United States. OTLA also has a strong core of law clerks, articling students and law students.

  • France - Association Francaise des Juristes d'Entreprise

    Notre missions: rassembler au niveau national les juristes d'entreprise, être un point de rencontre et d'échange afin que se développe entre eux une véritable confraternité professionnelle. Promouvoir le statut du juriste d'entreprise dans l'univers des professions juridiques et judiciaires. Faire mieux comprendre aux acteurs de l'entreprise, et tout particulièrement à ses dirigeants, l'importance de la fonction juridique. Favoriser le rayonnement des juristes d'entreprise française dans le concert international et notamment européen. Constituer, par le biais des commissions, des colloques et réunions thématiques, un carrefour d'informations et d'expériences sur les grands sujets d'actualité dans les domaines du droit de l'entreprise. Participer avec les universitaires, grâce au retour d'expérience, aux travaux et réflexions destinés à adapter la formation des juristes d'affaires et plus spécialement celle des juristes d'entreprise.

  • Italy - Albo Nazionale Avvocati

    L'unico sistema in Italia che permette di ricercare un professionista e di circoscrivere i risultati intorno ad una località, una lingua, una materia o alla dimensione di uno studio legale.

  • Italy - Avvocati d Italia

    Il più vasto e strutturato sistema informativo in Italia su Avvocati, Patrocinatori e Studi legali italiani.

  • Italy - Legali.it
  • Macedonia - Macedonian Business Lawyers Association (MBLA)
  • New Zealand - Corporate Lawyers of New Zealand CLANZ

    Corporate Lawyers Association of New Zealand is a section of the New Zealand Law Society. CLANZ was established in 1987 to meet the needs of corporate and government lawyers (eg, information sharing, networking). It recognises the distinct interests and needs shared by lawyers providing professional services to their employers. CLANZ members are New Zealand lawyers working in corporate and other organisations, and central and local government approximately 1200 lawyers qualify as members, from nearly 9000 lawyers in New Zealand).

  • Switzerland - Ordre des Avocats Vaudois
  • United Kigdom - Faculty of Advocates

    The Faculty of Advocates is a body of independent lawyers who have been admitted to practise as Advocates before the Courts of Scotland. Faculty records date as far back as 1532 when the College of Justice was established by an Act of the Scottish Parliament, though its origins are believed to predate that event.

  • United Kingdom - Agricultural Law Association

    The Agricultural Law Association is now the UK's premier independent cross-disciplinary organisation dealing on an agenda-free, non-partisan, non-political basis with all matters arising in connection with rural business. The membership of over 1,000 includes some of the leading practitioners in rural affairs in the UK and Europe today.

  • United Kingdom - Association of child Abuse Lawyers

    The Association of Child Abuse Lawyers is a company limited by guarantee set up for the benefit of lawyers, experts and other professionals involved in the field of obtaining compensation for the physical, sexual or emotional abuse of children and adults abused in childhood, as well as the mentally handicapped and others directly or indirectly affected by that abuse. The Association began in late 1997 as a result of concerns within the legal profession that people who have been abused were either unable to find lawyers to take on their cases or were experiencing poor standards of advice and assistance from those lawyers whom they had instructed. There are also concerns about the ability of lawyers and other experts to deal effectively with these traumatic cases.

  • United Kingdom - Association of Law Teachers (ALT)

    The Association of Law Teachers (ALT) is made up of law teachers from both higher and further education. Visit our about section to find out more about what we do, or join the ALT today.

  • United Kingdom - Association of Lawyers for Children

    The ALC developed from an idea put forward at the first annual conference organised by child care solicitors and was inaugurated at the third National Conference in Manchester in 1992 The ALC works in England and Wales, and welcomes all applications for membership from individuals in relevant work with or for children. In addition, applications from officers of appropriate organisations will be considered

  • United Kingdom - Association of Muslim Lawyers

    The main aim of AML is to provide a platform where such issues can be introduced, debated and procedures set in place to bring about desired results. This aim has been implemented by means of seminars and conferences, as well as through the AML magazine The Muslim Lawyer. The membership of AML comprises of lawyers and non-lawyers, practitioners and students, as well as Muslims and non-Muslims. The AML welcomes the contribution of those who believe in the Objectives that the AML has set itself.

  • United Kingdom - Association of Pension Lawyers

    The APL is an association established and run by lawyers specialising in pensions in the UK. It is non-profit making. Its main aims are to promote awareness of the importance of the role of law in the provision of pensions and to operate as a forum for discussion and education amongst pension lawyers.

  • United Kingdom - Association of Personal Injury Lawyers

    The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers is an independent, not for profit organisation providing accreditation to lawyers specialising in the area of personal injury law. This accreditation shows an APIL lawyer has achieved a specific standard.

  • United Kingdom - British & German Jurists Association

    The BGJA is a group of several hundred lawyers and other professionals interested in British-German legal practice. Our membership includes solicitors, barristers, judges, lecturers, notaries, diplomats, members of chambers of commerce and bankers.

  • United Kingdom - Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association

    The objects of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association are to: - Encourage and maintain the highest standards of advocacy and practice in the Criminal Courts in and around London; To participate in discussions on developments in the criminal process; To represent and further the interests of the Members on any matters which may affect Solicitors who practise in the Criminal Courts; and To improve, develop and maintain the education and knowledge of those actively concerned with the Criminal Courts, including those who are in the course of their training.

  • United Kingdom - Employment Lawyers Association

    The Employment Lawyers Association has become the voice of authority on employment law. ELA's members are qualified lawyers, both barristers and solicitors, practising in employment law in the UK and organisations engaged in the practice of employment law.

  • United Kingdom - Environmental Law Association

    UKELA is celebrating its twentieth anniversary in 2007 at its conference at Bath University on June 22nd – 24th. Participants include UKELA’s new President, Lord Justice Carnwath, Sara Parkin of Forum for the Future, Professor Richard Macrory and Ric Navarro of the Environment Agency. Gala dinner at the Pump Rooms.

  • United Kingdom - Family Law Association

    The Family Law Association has been in existence since 1989. Membership of the Association consists of members of the legal profession in Scotland with extensive experience, specialisation or interest in Family Law.

  • United Kingdom - Human Rights Lawyers Association - HRLA

    Membership of the Human Rights Lawyers' Association (HRLA) is open to all connected with the law and the legal professions who have an interest in human rights law in the United Kingdom. HRLA members include solicitors, barristers, advocates, judges, government lawyers, legal academics, legal executives, in-house lawyers, pupils, trainees and law students. The Association currently has over 1200 members.

  • United Kingdom - Immigration Law Practitioners' Association - ILPA

    The Immigration Law Practitioners' Association was established in 1984 by a group of leading UK immigration practitioners to: - promote and improve the advising and representation of immigrants - provide information to members on domestic and European immigration, refugee and nationality law - secure a non-racist, non-sexist, just and equitable system of immigration, refugee and nationality law ILPA now has more than 1,100 members including lawyers, advice workers, academics and law students. ILPA is regularly consulted by the Government on key issues relating to immigration, refugee and nationality law.

  • United Kingdom - Resolution Family Law Association

    now known as Resolution, is an association of over 5,000 solicitors who agree to follow a Law Society recommended Code of Practice which essentially aims to deal with matters in a way designed to preserve peoples dignity and encourage them to reach agreement. Partly designed for members of the public, the site provides a searchable directory of members and also a set of fact sheets.

  • United Kingdom - Social Housing Law Association ('SHLA')

    The Social Housing Law Association ('SHLA') is an organisation of social housing professionals and their lawyers. Its members work or regularly act for social landlords (local authorities and registered social landlords etc.).