Tuesday, February 23, 2021

INDIA vs PAKISTAN: 10 Unexpected Differences

 As no Indian Pakistani used to be you know the same thing for quite a long time but then when the British left the region they eventually became divided into once again India and Pakistan and very unfortunately the division was you know a very hard thing for so many people until this day there's quite a few unresolved conflicts there you know with Kashmir and other places and even though you know all those people are really nice and really kind and really awesome apparently you know there's a bit of division still going on and I really hope that changes in the future however I've spent quite a few months traveling all around India and I just finished traveling ten days all over and Pakistan so if you like I have a you know pretty decent idea of how different those two countries are and how different their people are did you actually want to compare them and talk about the ten unexpected differences of my life in Pakistan vs. India let's go


difference number one is beeping I don't know if you know this or not but one of the worst things for me in life is when people beat now when you're traveling around Asia especially for example India people therapy all the time especially please like Mumbai you know like they beefing they smilingly way because they just want to say hi or tell you they're there you know and actually when I was going to pack is unexpected exactly the same thing and even though there are some areas of the package that were people hate a bit but in most of the areas they don't for example in Islamic but right like no one ever abused and that it was so surprising to me cuz I never expected it you know so even though once again those countries used to be the same thing but the beeping is definitely better on Pakistan's site so now this more is one-zero 

let's see what happens next difference number two is vegetarian options I've been a vegetarian for what seven years now I think and actually traveling around a lot of countries in a way it's kind of hard to find the vegetarian options but India is one of the best countries in the world for that because literally every place has been sharing options even my guitars are you kidding it's a and Baggesen food is great too but it's very hard to find vegetarian options so one point goes to a big one out that's good.

 Number three is cleanliness obviously you know with both those countries that of course very much depends on where you're going cuz you know some places could be the fanciest places I've ever seen and some places could maybe be no defenses exist forever scenes for example in India cities like Mumbai are actually really good except for the slums of course or Bangalore or you know quite a few there places but most of the time you would see you know some trash and this and that because once again there's so many people and stuff but going to Pakistan of course there were some places that weren't the best but if we look at cities like Islamabad or once again Lahore and the places in the mountains and stuff everything was really cleaner it was insane there were signs everywhere saying don't litter don't litter you'll get fine and you know so when goes to Pakistan.

Difference number four is religious diversity as you know Pakistan is a majority Muslim country meaning this way over 90 percent of the people are Muslim there but India is basically the cradle of pretty much most of the religions in the world you know there's millions of Hindu people millions of Muslim people millions of Sikh people millions of Buddhist people and a lot of Christians and whatnot so when you traveling around India every single day you'll see people from so many different kinds of religions all living together for the most part peacefully and continues I know that Hindus and Muslims seem to you know have a few fights here and there and that's very unfortunate but I really hope they will you know solve their differences hopefully and in Pakistan they also have people of other religions like yeah you know Christian churches and in the mountains people have their own ancient religions and stuff but yeah the majority the people are definitely Muslim so another point oh sure India thing number five is English fluency so once again the whole region used to be a British colony for a long time and that is why millions and millions and Millions of people speak completely Fluent English traveling around India notice that anyone who goes to like school or university will be glued with fluent in English I'm actually going to Pakistan I noticed that it's exactly the same thing a lot of people speak super fluent English even no accident stuff you know this corner okay you legend now that I told you the five differences of my life in India and Pakistan.

 Difference number six is infrastructure so as you know because of you know the problem is Pakistan faced in the past it's not a very touristic engine as a lot of people still think it's very unsafe and dangerous and stuff that being said there are tourism industry is many times smaller than that of India's cuz I mean millions and millions of people visit India every single year and because of that the infrastructure for a traveler like myself in India is definitely better you know the stels the hotels you know the buses the trains and everything is a bit more easier for tourists to use but at the same time it's still very much possible to travel in Pakistan like you saw you know I did it didn't really have any problems that being said this year those two in DIF number seven is tourist place aggressiveness um so as you know if you travel in a country that's very touristy sometimes the people working with tourists will get a bit aggressive for example in countries like Morocco and stuff you know like sometimes people grab you by the arm and say give me five euro because I did something for you know like sometimes it gets pretty intense and so if I compare the aggressiveness in the tourist places of Pakistan vs. India I would definitely have to say that in India it's a lot more aggressive once again because there's a lot more people and once again go to Pakistan expected it to be similar but I've never been scamming even once in fact a lot of people would give me things for free are buying me things for free and stuff you know no one want to take advantage of me as a tourist why because there's very few tourists you know and now they don't have the kind of people that try to take advantage of it so it's not really a problem with Indians the fact that there's so many tourists going there and obviously some people you know will want to make maybe more money then we said this one goes to Pakistan.

Difference number eight is bus trips back in the day I used to take quite a few different buses in India because it didn't have other transportation options and if I'm being completely honest with you it was so bad oh my god it would be so hard because I would always take overnight buses and in the middle of the night they would turn on the lights and people will start shouting and screaming and trying to sell you things and waking you up like hey you want some water or water you know I mean it was a great experience for me but me and other part is like what's happening here I've never experienced before you know so maybe it was just my experience I don't know maybe other people have it a bit better but my experience traveling in Weston and it wasn't the best now I take either motorbikes or cars or taxis or trains are actually amazing and so I did take a few buses in Pakistan as well and once again expected them to be similar but actually they were very much different you know because once again I think there's not a lot of people who are trying to take advantage of tourists because there's no wrists there you know and so Lewis calm and peaceful and the lights were off and no one woke us up in the middle of the night we can do whatever we wanted you know so at least me personally I had a more comfortable experience traveling in buses in Pakistan but I could have just gotten unlucky so if you have a great experience of traveling in India by buses let me know in the comment section down below I'll apologize a hundred times but that was definitely I expect so this one goes should Pakistan oh so far Pakistan is winning yeah let's see what happens next.

 Difference number nine is places to see as you know India is a much bigger country than Pakistan I mean Pakistan is huge you know but at the same time India is one of the largest countries in the world with a second largest population in the world over a billion people and because of that obviously India has more places to see that are I guess a bit more diverse that being said this for those two.

 And finally difference number 10 hospitality as you know from the people who have been to both Pakistan or India both those owners are incredible you will get into many situations where people will pay for you or not ask you for money or host you for free or give you food and actually force you to eat because they care so much about your like these situations I had in India where people would wake me up in the middle of the night because I was staying in some sort of a shrine and they say no you have to eat if you don't need you're not going to be healthy come please have food with us you know like these amazing situations and in Pakistan as well there would be situations where people would pay for me and rest and simply because I was a foreigner and they wanted to be nice to me and they

wanted to be kind to me and it was really beautiful and so I have to say that when it comes to hospitality both these countries are the same meaning the score is five yeah and that's exactly the point of this video even though these countries separated but at the same time they're both absolutely random they have their differences they have their similarities but both them are really nice really beautiful really awesome places to visit so if you ever get the chance to go to both you know India and Pakistan just make sure you always look at everything with open eyes and whatever happens to just you know treated as wonderful experience and learn as much as you can from wonderful local people that's pretty much it let me know what you think about these differences in the comments section or below see you next time peace.


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